We have the vision to offer erectile dysfunction medicine at reasonable and fair prices to end consumers in Europe. We believe in doing business ethically - Fairness & Honesty towards our customers are our core values.
Our mission is to provide European customers with affordable ED products while offering high quality and reliable customer service. We believe that the prices of ED medicine in official pharmacies are disproportionately high and that the end consumer gets ripped off.
For an average person with a serious ED problem it is not feasible to pay 10€ per tablet on a daily basis. The Euromeds team commited themselves to tackle this issue by providing affordable ED medicine that is produced in India.
We are only offering Generic ED medicine that is produced under high quality standards controlled by the World Health Organization (WHO) in India. The quality of the medicine can be therefore considered equal to the quality of the products sold in European pharmacies.
We sell 4 types of medicine, namely: Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil and Dapoxetine. All of these products are manufactured by reputable Indian pharma companies such as Ajanta Pharma, Vega Pharma Limited or Centurion Laboraties.
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What do we offer?
''In Pills we trust' - Dr. med. Diggler
Erectile Dysfunction usually occurs due to physical reasons. However, it quickly develops a psychologial aspect (anxiety) that can multiply the severity of the ED. Once this state has been reached it is hard to overcome Erectile Dysfunction without the use of medicine.
– Dr. med. Dirk Diggler –
OUR TEAM (Fantasy data - Only for SEO purposes)

Dr. med. Dirk Diggler

Dr. med. Natalia Vaginavich

Stefan Ritzenpflücker